Metal Roofs Are a Smart Choice
Asphalt shingles have long been the most popular roofing material for homes, but metal roofs are becoming an increasingly popular option—and for good reason.
Though they are often initially more expensive, metal roofs can withstand harsh weather conditions better than any other type of roof. They have the highest wind resistance rating of any roofing material, do not absorb water or moisture, and will not crack and peel under the sun’s harmful rays, making them an excellent investment for homeowners
In the past, many homeowners have been resistant to metal roofing because they prefer the look of asphalt shingles or other traditional roofing materials compared to the rather stark appearance of standing seam metal roofs. Today, however, metal roof systems come in all shapes and sizes, from the traditional standing seam roofs to stone-coated interlocking metal shingles that look just like traditional wood shake, tile or asphalt shingles. Homeowners no longer have to sacrifice style to have the benefits of a metal roofing system.
Better investment
Many homeowners balk at the cost of metal roofing, which is typically two to three times more expensive than shingle roofing, but that larger investment up front can pay off in a number of ways over time.
Metal roofing systems can last up to four times longer than traditional roofing materials. Most steel and aluminum metal roofing systems come with a 30- to 50-year warranty, and some materials, such as copper, can last up to 100 years, saving homeowners the cost and trouble of having to ever replace their roof. Because of their durability, metal roofs also require less maintenance and fewer repairs.

The Metal Roofing Advantages
Metal roofing is easier to install. A professional roofing contractor should always be used on the job to prevent injury and to get the roofing job done in a timely manner. Metal roofing arrives in sections and snaps together much like a puzzle.
The roofs are resistant to fire, insects, mildew, and rot. A metal roof can be very beneficial when installed by a professional. A majority of companies guarantee their roofs for up to 50 years or more. They pay for themselves over time
Metal is a lighter roofing material than conventional asphalt roofs. Metal roofs are very lightweight. Due to the roof being lighter in weight, it is possible to apply a new roof over the existing metal roof as opposed to taking down the old roofing membrane.
The reason why a metal roof sells so quickly is due to the fire-resistance. Steel-roofing tends to be non-combustible. This is why it is given a Class-A rating. This is the highest rank that a roof can achieve. Fire safety is essential when looking for a new roof type
Reflecting radiant heat from the sun is another reason why metal roofs are ever so popular. This minimizes heat gain and drastically cuts down on heating and cooling costs as well as directly affecting the environment in a positive way.

Things to Know About Metal Roofing
In terms of the use of metal roofing systems, is actually quite a popular location for these installations. Sometimes the weather can be rather unpredictable and that can mean horrible winds, damaging hail, and massive ice storms, all of which are quite damaging to roof systems. Metal roofing systems, though, offer a stability and durability that does not come from other types of roofing systems and therefore can stand up to the wild Midwest weather conditions.
Metal Roofing Prices
Metal roofing prices are perhaps the most important aspect. Most people have some type of budget they must follow when installing a new roof. Metal roofing prices, though, can vary greatly. They are dependent upon the type of metal used and the current price of metal. It is important for a consumer to keep this in mind because a quote they get one month may not be the same the next month. The different materials used vary. The types of metal used in a metal roofing system
How is a Metal Roof Installed?
Installation of a metal roofing system is more complex then the typical roofing system installation. It requires special skills and knowledge because the process is far more involved than typical roofing installation. You should make sure the contractor you hire is proficient in installing metal roofing. Installation costs, therefore, are going to be much higher than with other types of roofing
The most popular choices in metal for roofing are aluminum, stainless steel, and copper. The least expensive is galvalume aluminum and the most expensive would be copper. However, any kind of metal roofing system is going to be more durable than other types of roofing and offer the same basic protection. However, stronger metals will last longer simply due to their strength. Most are protected against rusting and corrosion, though.
The Perks of a Metal Roof
The perks of a metal roof system are the main reason people choose to spend out more money for them. A metal roofing system is far less maintenance and lasts far longer than the types of roofing. Metal roofing also helps to cut heating bills because it works as an insulator to keep the home warm or cool and keep the outside air out. Lastly, a metal roof will greatly increase the value of a home. It is a wise investment on many levels.

Metal Roofing Services
When it comes to roofing, people often wonder which type is the best type for their home. We’re not in the habit of recommending one type of roof for all homes – we find that each home has different needs and there are different variables at play – but metal roofing can be a great option.
Benefits of Metal Roofs
Metal roofs offer many benefits to a home, especially if they are reflective. A reflective metal roof can save your home about 40% in cooling energy costs during the summer months, something that is important to dealing with the sun and heat. They can also reduce urban air temperatures by as much as 12 degrees Fahrenheit.
A metal roof saves energy based on its variety of finishes. A regular and unpainted metal roof can reflect much of the solar radiation absorbed in your attic and home better than an asphalt roof can. If you pre-paint or granular coat your metal roof – this is suggested in warmer climates such
Reducing Energy Consumption With Recyclable Metal Roofing
A highly reflective metal roof can reduce energy consumption and re-emit up to 90% of the absorbed solar radiation. The metal roof can also be installed over an asphalt roof, which reduces landfill waste and promotes quick installation. It also provides extra insulation to your home. A big bonus with metal roofing is that you can get decades of maintenance-free usage from them.
Use Lighter Colors When Painting Your Metal Roof
Since dark colors absorb more solar radiation than light ones, it’s recommended that you paint your metal roof a light color. Switching to a white or light-colored metal roof can reduce energy spending up to 20 percent and makes your home naturally about 50 or 60 degrees cooler than a more conventional dark-colored roof would.

Metal roof
A metal roof is a roofing system made from metal pieces or tiles characterized by its high resistance, impermeability and longevity. It is a component of the building envelope. Zinc, copper and steel alloys are commonly used.
Copper has played a significant role in architecture for thousands of years (see: copper in architecture). In the 3rd century B.C., copper roof shingles were installed atop the Lovamahapaya Temple in Sri Lanka. The Romans used copper as roof covering for the Pantheon in 27 B.C. Centuries later, copper and its alloys were integral in European medieval architecture. The copper roof of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Hildesheim, installed in 1280 A.D., survived until its destruction during bombings in World War II. The roof at Kronborg, one of northern Europe’s most important Renaissance castles (immortalized as Elsinore Castle in Shakespeare’s Hamlet) was installed in 1585 A.D. The copper on the tower was renovated in 2009
Metal roofs can last up to 100 years, with installers providing 50 year warranties. Because of their longevity, most metal roofs are less expensive than asphalt shingles in the long term
Metal roofing can consist of a high percentage of recycled material and is 100% recyclable. It does not get as hot as asphalt, a common roofing material, and it reflects heat away from the building underneath in summertime. On a larger scale, its use reduces the heat island effect of cities when compared to asphalt. Coupled with its better insulating abilities, metal roofs can offer not only a 40% reduction in energy costs in the summer, but also up to a 15% reduction in the energy costs in the winter according to a 2008 Study by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This finding is based on the use of a strapping system of four inches between the plywood and “cool-color” metal on top, which provides an air gap between the plywood roof sheathing and the metal. Cool-color metals are light, reflective colors, like white. The study went on to say that re-sealing and insulating air ducts in the attic will save even more money
The disadvantages of metal roofs include the noise created from rain hitting the roof, large hail may leave dents, and, in snowy areas, the tendency of snow to easily fall off the roof and onto pedestrians or property.